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Welcome to Maths


In Maths through variety in lessons and via our specialist subject teaching we aim to develop:

  • Fluency of basic numeracy skills and recall of key mathematical knowledge through varied and frequent practise with increasingly challenging concepts and problems over time. Pupils will develop their mathematical understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

  • The ability to solve problems by applying mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems by breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.  This will have an application to the real world and prepare pupils for careers and job.

  • The ability to reason mathematically by conjecturing relationship and generalisations, developing arguments and proving statements using correct mathematical language.


Our intent at Wombourne is to implement a curriculum that enables ALL students to progress, succeed and attain in Mathematics and to ensure students have the confidence and aptitude to apply their mathematical skills. We believe that a learning environment that supports, challenges and caters for all will ensure that every student can graduate from Secondary School with a grade/achievement in Maths, enabling them to pursue their chosen route onto higher education or employment.

360 Tour

Click on the centre of the image for a 360 tour of our Maths department.

Activities & Resources

Click on the links below for a taster of the kind of tasks to expect as a student at our school.

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