Welcome to Art
Art is an absorbing and exciting subject with creativity at its heart. It takes you on a journey from the basics of a broad-based art education, to that of a skilled artist, investigating personal ideas, and specialising with chosen media, materials and techniques. This personalised approach to learning is a consistent feature throughout the Art experience at Wombourne High School. Art is both enjoyable and challenging, with activities that keep track of fast-improving skills and ambitions.
Year 7 students learn a range of drawing techniques, from both observation and imagination. They investigate the qualities and potential of a wide range of two- and three-dimensional media and materials. Students make a personalised cover for their sketchbook, learn about drawing, shading techniques and colour, experiment with clay, and how to create a self-portrait. Practical skills develop in exciting ways and the fantastic artwork produced is displayed both in the classroom and around the school. We have weekly and well attended Art Clubs, at lunchtime and after school.
Art is taught by Mr Carr (Head of Faculty) and Mrs Stokes (who is also Head of the Sixth Form). They have worked together for a number of years, nurturing and challenging the skills and talents of many Wombourne students.