A massive well done to all our students at Wombourne High School, 100% A-level/BTEC pass rate, 54% of results at A*/A grade, a truly fantastic set of results. We are proud of all of our students and the resilience they have had to show in these challenging times. However, a special mention goes to Josh Morris who has achieved A* in all of his subjects (Business, Computer Science and Mathematics).
Top grades were also achieved by George Taylor (Mathematics A*, Physics A, Chemistry A), Will Townsend (Mathematics A*, Physics A, Chemistry A) and Phoebe Wilkinson (Psychology A*, Maths A, Business A). Students completing vocational courses also received fabulous results, a special mention for so many Distinction and Distinction Stars go to Jon Waistell (Forensics, IT and Law) and Layla Weinstein (Law and A grades in A-level Biology and Psychology).
We wish all of our students best wishes as they take the next step onto University courses and apprenticeships.
Mrs Stokes – Head of Invictus Sixth Wombourne Campus