Contact Us
Contacting The School
Should you wish to contact the school about your child, please use the details below.
Our Reception team will be able to handle any general enquiries over the phone or direct you to the appropriate member of staff.
By Post
Please send any mail to:
FAO: [Teacher’s name]
Wombourne High School
Ounsdale Road
By Phone
Main School Reception : (01902) 504930
By Email
General School Enquiries : office@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Mrs J Green (PA to Headteacher): JGreen@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Mrs C Riley (Exams Manager): CRiley@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Admissions (for Y6 Parents with enquiries): admissions@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Mrs H Needham (Trips & ParentPay):HNeedham@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Miss G Dickens (Attendance & Medical): GDickens@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Mrs A Craciun (SENCO): ACraciun@wombournehighschool.co.uk
Mr Paul Hampton (Chair of Governors): JGreen@wombournehighschool.co.uk (Contact through Heads PA)
Sixth Form: W6@wombournehighschool.co.uk
The school is a proud founding member of the Invictus Education Trust, contact details can be found by clicking here